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2024 Christmas Bird Count Now History

Sunday, February 02, 2025 3:38 PM | Cynthia Woodard (Administrator)

This year’s Venice/Englewood Christmas Bird Count is now behind us, but here’s a quick recap of this year’s effort:

  • We had 140 total species recorded for 2024, second only to 2020, the record year for our counting circle at 143 species.
  • We recorded a total of 19,047 birds, which pretty much hits the average for the last ten years, discounting this year’s lack of Tree Swallows. We typically have anywhere from 3,000-5,000 Tree Swallows recorded. In 2019 we had 10,000! This year? Only four.
  • Top five species in this year’s count included Laughing Gull, Turkey Vulture, White Ibis, Sandwich Tern and Common Grackle. Rarities included the White-faced Ibis and the Groove-billed Ani. Single sightings (just one bird for the whole circle) included: Mute Swan, Northern Harrier, King Rail, Sora, Whimbrel, Marbled Godwit, Eastern Screech Owl, Merlin, Peregrine Falcon, American Redstart, Savannah Sparrow, Summer Tanager and Painted Bunting.
  • 120 volunteers participated in the count, tied with 2017 for the most volunteers ever in our circle. Including counting time, as well as the time of leaders, this year’s effort represents about 750 volunteer hours.

Special thanks to our area leaders: Charlie Woodruff, Jayne Dean, Robert Kraft, Deb Johnson, Eileen Gerle, Dave Lancaster, Margaret Views, Rick Cordner, Ken Blackshaw, Mike Weisensee, Nancy Edmundson, Tom Litteral, Pattie Haynes and Chris Oliver, with our coordinating team of Bob Clark, Tom Litteral and Rick Cordner.

This coming year’s count is already scheduled: Sunday, December 14, 2025. Put it on your calendar! And if you have an interest in stepping up to being an area leader (you don’t have to be a birding expert, just have some organizing skills), please let Bob Clark know at

- Bob Clark



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